We offer a variety of products that contain
elastic to soften the connection between horse and rider. Leather
always limits the stretch of elastic allowing the rider normal control
but with a softer feel. For detailed descriptions and benefits of
products click the appropriate link on the left of your screen.
elastic bridges the connection between the horse's mouth and the rider's
hand. The 'give' in the rein encourages relaxation, softening and accepting
of the bit.

Our Elasto-Reins® are legal for competition and you will love how your horse trains in them too. The Rein-Aid® Elastic Inserts provide the same elastic feel, and are a less expensive option for schooling.
We also offer Soft-Lunge® which has the Rein-Aid® feature built in and allows you to buckle the lunge line directly to the bit for superior feel while lunging.
Rein-Aid® Breastplate Draw Reins help the horse to respond to the action of draw reins, but with some give so the horse feels less trapped and less likely to suck behind the bit.