
"I got them yesterday. Tried
them last night. They are wonderful! Thanks for the quick mailing
and for inventing
them. It will be a lifesaver for the rider and her horse. The
horse was calm throughout the lesson, and after testing them
for the first 5 minutes, almost went on the bit by himself.
happy horse and rider--what more could I ask for."
-Diana Graves, Moonraker Boarding Stable |

horse is a totally new jumper since using the Elasto-Rein®.
She is much quieter and softer to the jump. We have
a whole new
level of confidence together." -Pam Swift,
Hunter/Jumper |

Beaver Dam Farm, we run a 4-day course
called Nova Scotia Beginner Driving
Vacations. While most of our guests are
riders of various levels, very few have experience in driving.
has students driving cross country the
day, doing a dressage test on Day 2, driving a cones
course on
Day 3,
and putting it all together in a Mini CDE
on Day
4. This goes very well, except we worry about
the beginners being
too hard on the horses' mouths.
horses must be driven with contact. A loose rein is exceedingly
However, a tight,
non-elastic rein is also dangerous as it
annoys the horse and
might cause him to backup and jacknife the carriage. Therein
lies the problem teaching beginners. Therefore,
heard about Rein-Aid®s, we thought
they might be the answer to our concerns, and so decided to
try them in our 2002 season. -- They work
just as we'd hoped, and are ideal for this
situation. Our
well-trained and sensitive Fjordhorses are much happier in
their work now that we're using Rein-Aid®s"

“I know I’m
hard on my horses’ mouths during a run, which
is why I use Elasto-Rein®. Both
my guys are much happier and our times are faster.
is great
to be able to help them like this!” Sharon Bosse
NBHA KS09 Director |

"Hi! I just wanted to let you know
that while you seem to be marketing your products to the
dressage and jumping crowd, equestrians of all disciplines
could benefit from them.
I just bought the Rein-Aid inserts for riding my standard donkey, Bailey. They
completely eliminate what I call the CLUNK. You know, when a rabbit jumps out
of the bush right next to you, and both your animal and you startle, and the
bit goes CLUNK in the poor thing's mouth... Or when you're trotting and your
mount stumbles a little and its head bobs down quicker than your hands can react
and its mouth goes CLUNK against the bit...
Even teaching Bailey to stand politely is going better with the Rein Aids. I
can have a loose rein when she stands, and if I correct her for walking it is
now a "spongy" correction instead of a punishing CLUNK. Punishment
has its place, but I don't want to punish her with the bit!
Also, I feel more confident and in control when we have to ride by Scary Things
on the trail... I can now keep a little tension on the reins to keep Bailey headed
the right direction, but without making her tense up like she used to if I "took
hold" of her mouth. And if the Scary Thing moves and Bailey startles - no
CLUNK and a happier Bailey!
Thank you very much! And thank you for the extremely fast delivery - I faxed
in my order mid-morning Tuesday and the package was waiting for me when I came
home from work Wednesday. Impressive!" |
Sharon & Bailey, California |

"I showed up today for my first
dressage lesson with Bruce Graham at Summit Dressage in Rhode
Island, with a set of the Elasto-Reins® in use. He was
pleased to see that I had discovered them and that I decided
to use them for the benefit of my horse -- not wishing him
to suffer the consequences of my undeveloped seat.
He suggested I email you to share with you that I have also been using the Rein-Aid® inserts
on my ground driving lines, longe lines, and my carriage driving reins. My
20 y.o. horse as well as my two younger 2 y.o.'s are the benefactors of your
ingenious inventions.
Thank you from us all, and good luck in your future endeavors." |
Marcia Cannizzo,
Rhode Island |
"My horse usually grinds his
teeth when I take a contact. When I put on Rein-Aid® inserts
it gradually went away. Now I can show even without the Rein-Aid® and
he does not grind at all. Of course I still train with them
as I want him to trust my hands." |
Ed Hauswald, Washington
D.C |

"The first time I tried Rein-Aid
I noticed a immediate difference. My instructor liked them,
I liked them, and, most importantly, "Lindee" liked
them. She is very sensitive and has a tendancy to quicken at
the trot and throw her head out. With the Rein-Aid product
she was much softer and round and didn't quicken. We had a
much more enjoyable and productive lesson. I was even able
to do some shoulder in moves for the first time. I just wish
I had discovered them sooner for competitions
As a paralympic contender, I
must ride a "borrowed" horse at qualifying horse shows and am given
just three days of limited schooling time prior to each of these competitions.
Being paralized from the waist down from polio, I use a hand-hold strap
to help with my balance at the trot. This restricts my hands quite
a bit to be soft, for bending and allowing the horse to have his/her
head. Depending on the horse, this has definitely been an issue and
a disadvantage for showing in the dressage arena resulting in low dressage
scores at times.
My hope is that now I can be
more consistant and competitive in future dressage competitions." |
Diane Kirlin Murphy |

"My horse Bob was stiff
and would set against my hand, after using Rein-Aid® a
few times he softened and I was able to get him to stay on
the bit and supple. We now have a whole new relationship,
Im thrilled!" |
Carol Holden, Hunter/Jumper
and Foxhunter |

"I just want to say - I originally
had the Rein-aid inserts, and through all my barn changes I
lost them. Through the years without having the rein-aids my
hands have gotten better but my horse is still
not as round and happy. I have a tendency to have contact then
let the reins slack and then take contact and just back and
forth. My horse is a 22 year old Hanoverian 16.3 retired
Grand Prix Show jumper and had competed to 3rd level dressage
with Robert Dover back in his younger years. I've had him since
he was 16 and other people could ride him and make him look
so nice and round and I get on and he would be round for a
few steps and then his head would fly up and he would just
go around inverted.
Well I just got my rein aids in the mail and used them the other
night. I put the rein aid inserts on and as soon as we did our
warm up walk and I asked for the trot my old man just hung his
head low and went around like he was in heaven. I now know that
I can have a "firm handshake" grip and he still gets
relief. Last night I rode him again and I have never seen
him canter in self-carriage because I always lock my arms and don't
follow so he gets stronger and then he starts to hang and pull
- well he went around as light as could be.
Tonight I will be jumping him so I will have to let you know how
that goes. He
still thinks he's jumping Grand Prix so he jumps big and round
regardless, but I have to literally give him his head 3 strides
out back up with leg and grab mane so he jumps more comfortable
because he'll jump from any spot and I have been catching him in
the mouth so he jumps a bit inverted sometimes.
I'm 44 years old and will never have deep heels and that perfect release and
good hands so I need help wherever I can, but I will definitely be purchasing
the rein-aid reins before I start showing next month.
I will keep you posted as to how the jumping goes."
"I had my lesson with my trainer on Saturday
and it was awesome due to the rein aid inserts. Before your
product I had gotten better at releasing a bit, but the ride
to the jump was still a tugging match and then he just pulls
and hangs because I don't follow. Also it was very difficult
to rate him in a line because again I don't have that elastic
feel so my half halts were more of a hold and then he'd get strong
and then I'd get stronger and then I would just have to much
horse going down the line (he still thinks he's doing grand prix). Well
Saturdays lesson was just great. Going to the jump he was
as lovely as could be and cantering away he was alot softer because
I couldn't hang on his mouth with the inserts. I did catch
him in the mouth once, but he played a bit after the jump, but
relaxed as soon as he knew I couldn't have a death grip on him. Everyone
commented on how beautifully my horse moves to the jump and after
the jump (which they never did before the inserts). They
were saying how beautiful his canter looks and how comfortable
it looks and what a big stride he has. They never noticed
these things before I got the inserts and I know it's because
now he is more relaxed because I have a much kinder hand since
the inserts (now I just need to stop nagging him with my leg
- one thing at a time I guess). I actually started releasing
over the jumps instead of grabbing mane all the time because
now I know I can't really hurt him and he knows it as well -
so we both have become very confident. My trainer was thrilled
with my releasing and my position and that all adds up when your
horse trusts you because he now knows he's not going to get banged
in the mouth. The big part of the day is when my trainer asked
me to do a line and I was a nervous reck and asked her could
I trot in and canter out (mind you these were set at little crossrails,
but again my horse becomes very strong over anything because
he thinks that he is still doing grand prix or maybe it's because
mommy has busy restricting hands. Well the trainer said
no and I was like I can't rate him well. Well I cantered
he was strong I half halted 3 times and got the correct stride
in 5. She made me come back and do it again and again half
halted 3 times and got the correct stride in 5. If it was
higher it would have been a 4 stride for him since he has such
a large stride. My trainer was smiling from ear to ear
and said "don't ever tell me that this horse can't be rated
in a line", but the only reason he could be rated was because
of your product. If I didn't have the inserts on he would
have ran right through my hand and got stronger and would have
chipped in or just went from the gap I would have got left and
he would have taken off like a bucking bronc because I would
have caught him in the the mouth - so your product is great. I
so look forward to riding now because he seems more relaxed and
I actually feel like I'm accomplishing something. I'll
have to send you a photo of Disney and I when we do our first
show next month. God willing if it is not to cold. I'll
be ordering the reins soon. " |
Linda Roberts,
New Jersey |

"Since I began riding eight years ago,
I have been struggling with getting the contact right. Either
I gave it away completely or didn't give enough. With Rein-Aid® I
FINALLY am getting the hang of it. It's very exciting. In my
first dressage show on my young horse I got marks in the 70's." |
Melinda Neese |

"After 3 years of holding my horse
up and having aching shoulders I decided to try Rein-Aid®!
What a difference, after only 2 months, my horse is no longer
leaning on me and my arms dont ache. Im riding
better and my horse is now fun to ride!" |
Amy Bancroft, First
Level Dressage Rider |

This is a photo of Silver,
our 19 year old appendix quarter-horse gelding. Originally
purchased for a young girl (who's father subsequently rejected
him because of his age), he remained in our hands and began
work on the lesson string. Not only has he earned his keep,
but he qualifies as the most popular and safest horse anyone
could ask for.
If there was a" School Horse Hall
of Fame", this guy would be in it! His patience with new riders
is unsurpassed...so much so, that we became concerned about
all the accidental pulling and tugging on his mouth. When your
product showed up in an issue of "Practical Horseman", we realized
that it had to be the answer.
Silver has worn the Rein-Aid® since
the day it arrived here...we (and he) thank you for developing
such a great product !
-Tim Tomkinson & Susan Gorden.
Photo courtesy
of Al Motoyama, whose grand-daughter, Bailey, rides Silver
in her lessons. |